With the 2017 race season now firmly in my rear view mirror I have to find ways to keep myself busy until March of next year. Luckily for me that is not difficult as I still run a web company with my brother along with some other side-projects which keep me distracted.
I finally bought a simulator
2017 is the first year where I haven’t had a simulator at my disposal for pre-race practice. I started using a gaming wheel when I was about 12 years old, three years before I started racing karts, and have relied on them ever since.
However with the crazy costs of travel and racing this year I was not able to invest in a virtual setup. Ironically the first thing I bought when I moved to London was a Playstation but it sayed in a box for quite a long time until I could afford the TV to go with it!

My sim doesn’t look like this one… maybe one day!
Now that my season is over I can dedicate some ‘tin’ to getting a decent setup. I’m not fancy when it comes to this stuff, I prefer practicality and recommend any aspiring racing driver to stick to the basics.
I’ve gone with a middle of the range combination:
- Fanatec CS Elite Wheel
- Fanatec Clubsport Pedals
- Playseat Rig
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Project Cars 2
- Assetto Corsa
All-in it cost just over €1500 which is literally 1/20th of the cost of a proper rig. All of the games I’ve bought are perfect for what I need to achieve. The simulated accuracy in the games you play is not as critical as the mindset you apply to simulating.
It’s never about setting the best time but instead working on your technique and challenging yourself to stay focussed enough so that you make no mistakes over a long sim session. This is the number one thing I preach when people ask me about simulators. Use them as a tool but don’t rely on them for everything – there is still nothing like the real thing.
I’ll post some pics when it has arrived and is all setup.